March is here and we’re happy to release an update that address several bugs which should improve the overall experience. Enjoy and thank you for the continued support!
This patch includes the following fixes:
- Canceling a Rot Infused Arrow/Bomb now returns a pip of Rot Courage to Kena.
- Improved Rot Hammer targeting.
- Fixed bug with enemies sometimes not spawning during a Cursed Chest fight.
- Fixed bug with moving platform in the Village Heart Caves not rising high enough.
- Fixed interaction with Hana being possible after defeating the Woodsmith.
- Fixed bug where Mask view would not always enter first-person.
- Fixed sensitivity setting not affecting Photo Mode and the Mask. Improved camera control to more closely match the in-game camera.
- Fixed bug with Corrupted Taro getting stuck when bound at the wrong moment.
- Fixed small animation bugs.
- Fixed control remapping menu bug.